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  1. #1

    I know this is going to sound racist, but it's not, I'm just curious about something

    My first wife was Puerto Rican. My second was white. I have never been with a black girl/woman. This question is to any black guys out there as well as white guys and for that matter and other ethnicity.

    White girls were hard to get to do anything growing up. I played Dr with a couple of white girls, but my first time ever touching a female body was in HS. My school district in upstate NY have only white student in the 60's. I didn't meet any black or other ethnic females until college. White girls were deathly afraid of their reputation. Getting to tit was monumental. Boys were hit and miss. Some you knew were approachable, but to get a label as QUEER slapped on you was a no no. I played with a couple of guys. One I didn't know he was gay until much later.

    How was y'all experiment years?

  2. #2

    Re: I know this is going to sound racist, but it's not, I'm just curious about someth

    I never had a problem getting sex from white girls; for me, it was Black girls who presented that problem. Sex with guys - white, Black, Hispanic - was pretty easy and with white guys "leading the league" in wanting to do it (and not counting the guys in my neighborhood). You betcha - back when I was off and running with sex, you could run the risk of getting the FAGGOT label stapled to you if you mentioned sex to the wrong guy but, still - and for myself and a lot of other guys - being able to suck and fuck each other was worth the risk of being singled out as a faggot.

    I wouldn't say that we experimented: We were exploring sex with each other. At the time I had my first experience with cock, I was kinda shocked to learn that most of my friends already knew about it and were very eager to do it and I was just the newest member of the "club." Back to girls for a moment.

    Black girls were worried and afraid of getting pregnant; white girls didn't seem to be worried about that a whole lot. There were white and Black girls who were, as the old folks used to say, "hot in the ass" and getting to have sex with them was fairly easy if you didn't mind the "scheduling problem" they all had since being so very willing to have sex made them very damned popular (and the girls us guys were warned to stay away from). Having said that, my mom once told me that I could charm the horns off the devil and while I hadn't known what that meant (at the time), I didn't have a lot of problems getting a girl to have sex with me but, yeah, Black girls were afraid, demanding, and a lot of other things that white girls, in my experiences, weren't. Back to boys again.

    Outside of the guys in my neighborhood - which included a white guy and his brothers - white guys were so damned eager to do it and so "open" about it that, compared to things at home, surprised the hell out of me. It seemed like every time I met a new white guy, one of the things he'd want to know was had I ever done it with a boy and if I had, did I want to do it with them and, whew, those guys could make me look like I didn't like dick!

    Social and cultural stuff. If you grew up around the same time I did, then you know that we were told to "stay with our own kind" or else and I kinda understood that but I think this bit of prejudicial stupidity was also responsible for a lot of interracial sex to happen because, um, if you wanted to get laid and those of your own kind didn't want to participate - but someone who wasn't of your kind did want to, which thing were you gonna go with? Wasn't rocket science. Not supposed to have sex with other boys? Man, were they ever wrong about that and some of them? Having sex with them was better than having sex with girls and especially white boys, who were good cocksuckers, would swallow, and loved to be fucked - but they weren't bashful about laying the pipe to me but things kinda changed going into adulthood.

    Of the guys in my neighborhood, only one was known and proven to be very damned gay and he loved to suck us off and wanted us to fuck him (and he was Black).

  3. #3

    Re: I know this is going to sound racist, but it's not, I'm just curious about someth

    Thank you. Very informative.




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