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  1. #1

    A Blowjob Question.

    So here I am, back here , with a question that?s probably been answered before.
    I am a 60+ ?total bottom? (Many dislike that term), that?s been trying hard for years to find a top that I can have sex with. So far I?ve believed that there?s nothing better than a hard cock inside my ass. I seem to never find a top because of all the usual reasons - age, hosting issues , people needing ?vers? and not ?total bottoms? etc.

    I?ve been hearing a lot about the joy of being a dedicated cock sucker?. So I thought why not go that way. Again in thr Dallas metroplex , there?s stiff competition in that area too. Just too many cock suckers than cocks?.
    i know I sound like a complainer, but not really.
    i have found an occasional guy who wants his dick sucked, and his cum swallowed.
    So what?s the problem? These guys can host, are usually available within 15-20 miles of where I live? They don?t insist on sucking my dick, which is nice because I stay soft at times.
    That?s 3 nice things.

    The downside ? Well I hear that if not all, one should be vary of Herpes (which may not have symptoms?
    So I suggest that both of us should get tested and share results.?

    Nice, but a few emails after I say so, I get ?ghosted?. So I don?t know if these guys are carrying a bug or they?re simply lazy to get tested.

    I know what you?re thinking. ?The solution is in plain sight?.. right?
    I am sharing this to get your perspective because you might have handled the situation differently.
    Look forward to your replies.

  2. #2

    Re: A Blowjob Question.

    Sighing. If it's STDs and stuff you're worried about, the solution is to suck a cock covered with a condom and make that non-negotiable. While you're searching for a guy, educate yourself by reading about STDs, what they are, how you might get one, what the symptoms are that you can look for so you can learn how to "properly" inspect a cock before putting it in your mouth if you choose to forego condoms and to recognize any symptoms you think you're experiencing.

    You could suggest testing and shared results but, well, I might not hold my breath on that one because (1) too many guys will not go to a doctor or a clinic to be tested for anything because they'd have to openly admit to having sex with men, even if it's just oral sex. (2) Some people have to pay for lab testing and especially if they don't have insurance that covers the entire cost, which can be hundreds of dollars. (3) One of the things I learned about lab testing is that you get results that say, on the day your blood was collected and tested, you were negative for STDs/HIV but if you or the other guy somehow got infected after lab testing, well, those results don't mean a damned thing.

    The only way they make sense is in a "reactive" mode, i.e., you get tested today and three months from now, you get tested again to see if anything showed up since you were tested the first time. (4) Get on PrEP to protect yourself against HIV but know that it isn't going to protect you against chlamydia, herpes, or gonorrhea - I haven't heard of anyone catching syphilis since the 1970s but I guess it's still possible. (5) Make sure your mouth is healthy - no gum disease, cuts, scrapes, abrasions in your mouth that can give "something nasty" access to your blood.

    (6) Every cotton-picking time you go to suck a guy's dick, you're rolling the dice or, as some say, playing Russian Roulette so the only other way to avoid catching something nasty in your mouth is to not suck dick and (7) if you think having an FWB keeps you totally safe, um, do you know where his dick has been when he's not with you and is he telling you the truth about where it's been? I'm not trying to rain on your cock-sucking parade; you should conquer your fears, work the logistical problems involved, and suck all the dick you can manage to suck and (8) see your doctor regularly and let him know that you have, at the least, oral sex with men so that you can be on a testing regimen to make sure you're not carrying around something you're not supposed to be carrying.

    I admit that I got "head and neck" cancer via the HPV virus and specifically the P16 variant of it which means I got it by having oral sex with people. Did I get it from sucking cock or eating pussy? When did I get the virus and who did I get it from? Fuck if I know and, honestly, I don't much care because I was treated and pronounced to be cancer free but I do laugh about it so you need to be aware that (9) your results may vary... so get out there and suck cock to your heart's content.

    The only safe sex is not having sex at all.
    Last edited by KDaddy23; Mar 20, 2025 at 1:24 PM.




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