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  1. Losing it to the neighbor lady! Part One.

    I had just turned thirteen when I took a job cleaning windows, floors, and unpacking newly arrived product at Maureen's Sweetgirl Shoppe on Main Street. It was a dream job. Not only was Maureen beautiful, so were the two other sales women who worked for her. My unpacking new product involved removing dresses, blouses, hosiery, and underwear from their shipping boxes and laying them out of a counter where one of the sales girls would arrange them and put price tags on them.

    One afternoon I was rubbing a pair of nylon panties over my lips and face, while with my other hand I massaged my hard cock under my jeans, when Maureen came into the stockroom. In my excitement I had not heard her. I jerked my hand from my jeans and dropped the panties on the counter. Maureen stood there grinning at me. "Do you like women's underwear? Does it make your pee-pee get hard?"

    I was too embarrassed to answer. She said, "I'll talk to you after work."

    At five o'clock the shop closed and the salesgirls left. Maureen told me, "I'll give you a ride home." Rather than take me directly home she drove to her own house, two blocks north of our house on Sixteenth Street. "Come inside," she said. "We'll talk there."
    It was a large house with three bedrooms. She lived alone. My mom had told me that Maureen was divorced and her house and money had come from her ex-husband. I thought he must have had a heck of a lot of money! Inside, she said, "Follow me," and led me to the largest bedroom. She said, "You sit on the bed while I get comfortable." Slowly and carefully she began to undress, laying her blue dress, and pink slip on a chair. Then she unfastened her hose from her pink garter belt, slipped off her high-heels, and put each foot on that chair to remove her hose. Finally, while my cock seemed to have grown twice its regular size, she unfastened her bra, dropped it on the chair, and stooped to remove her panties. My eyes went wide as I stared at her small pert breasts and only slightly hairy pussy. With a teasing grin she said, "This is what you think about when you fondle panties in the store, isn't it."

    I gulped, "Y-yes."

    "Now let's get your clothes off and let me see your pee-pee. I can see it's making an awful big bulge in your jeans. It may not be a tiny little pee-pee at all." With her helping, I had all my clothes off inside of a minute. She put her hand on my cock. "My, this [I][B]is[/B][/I] a nice one. I won't call it a pee-pee anymore. You climb up onto the bed with me, honey." She lay back and pulled me up between her legs. "Now put that nice cock right in my pussy, honey. Come on now." Putting her arms around my back she pulled me down and into her, and then she put a hand behind my head and kissed me, bring her hot tongue into my mouth for my first french kiss.

    I kept trying to fuck her faster and faster, but she would say, "No honey, slow down, go slow and deep, slow and deep. We have plenty of time and I believe we will do this a whole lot more---certainly on every day after you come to work." She grinned. "Actually, you're doing just fine. Slow and deep,now. Isn't this better than fondling panties and thinking about it?"

    She must have had a secret radar that told her I was about to shoot my cum She said, "Now just stop, Honey, you need to rest, and there is something else I want you to do. Take your cock out now and scoot down a little ways." When I did she said, "Now lick my pussy. Look at the top of it and you will see a piece of skin that looks something like a little cock wearing a hood. Lick deep inside my pussy and now and then flick your tongue on that little cock. We call that darling little thing a clitty, and gives us great pleasure. It will make me cum, too, and you do what I tell you to do and pretty soon you will make me cum. Then after that we'll fuck some more and I will let you cum."
    She directed me how to eat her pussy and how often to lick and tease her clitty, until eventually she shuddered and called out, "Oh, Honey, you're just terrific . . . oh! oh! ohhhhh!" Then she pushed my head away.

    We lay quietly a few minutes before she said, "Now fuck me, darling, and cum yourself. Shoot your wonderful cum deep inside me." It didn't take long, either, not as excited as eating her pussy had made me. I had never felt anything so grand!
    She took me to the bathroom, washed my cock for me, sucking it from time to time, and sent me home. She said, "You're do to work day after tomorrow, Wednesday. You'll be there at three, won't you?" When nodded shes aid, "Good. We'll do this again after work Wednesday"
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